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What Are the Benefits of Combining Injectable Treatments?

While you might notice only minor changes to your skin in your 20s—such as the first appearance of expression wrinkles—you can expect more dramatic changes once you reach your 30s and 40s. Collagen and elastin levels drop, skin cell turnover slows down, and the skin can’t recover from inflammation as easily as it once did. …

What Can You Do to Avoid Retinol Burn?

As your skin ages, changes occur in the connective tissue, causing strength and elasticity to be reduced. The number of pigment cells (melanocytes) decreases, blood vessels are weakened, sebaceous glands produce less oil, and your body begins to create less collagen. All of these changes result in thinner, paler, more wrinkled skin. If you’re seeking skin …

5 Benefits of Sunlight for Your Body and Mind

Although sunny weather isn’t always ideal for certain types of procedures, injectables like BOTOX® and other wrinkle-relaxing injections from our NJ-based practice aren’t affected by sun exposure and patients don’t need to give their skin any special attention—beyond the usual. Want more good news? It’s true that excessive exposure to UV radiation can age the skin and …

What Do Breast Implants Actually Feel Like?

It goes without saying that there are many aspects to consider when someone is getting a breast enhancement, including everything from the size of the implants to their shape, placement, and projection. One of the most frequently asked questions about breast augmentation we hear at Burnett Plastic Surgery is, “What will having breast implants feel …

What Are the Benefits of a Lymphatic Drainage Massage After Plastic Surgery?

Even if you’ve taken all the necessary steps to prepare yourself for your cosmetic procedure—such as choosing an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon—you play an important role in ensuring a smooth recovery as well. We all can’t wait to feel more like ourselves and get back to our normal activities after plastic surgery. Nevertheless, it’s …

Who Can Benefit from Body Contouring?

You may have heard of the term “body contouring” before, but it isn’t always clear what types of cosmetic procedures fall into this category. Basically, body contouring or body sculpting procedures are surgeries or treatments that are performed for the purpose of removing excess skin, tightening lax skin, sculpting the underlying tissue, and/or reducing fat …

5 Tricks for Naturally Enhancing Cleavage

The volume, shape, and projection of the higher part of the breasts—above the nipple, known as upper pole fullness—is something that can be improved through breast enlargement. NJ-area augmentation patients may notice that having more volume in this area not only improves roundness and makes the breasts seem perkier, but also provides better cleavage. People …

What Are the Most Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon?

Plastic surgery can drastically change your appearance and make you feel more confident about yourself, but it’s also important to not make any decisions lightly if you’re planning on altering some aspect of your body. The most critical aspect of having a safe, effective treatment that gives you your desired results is carefully choosing the …