Category: Botox
Statistics Show that Wrinkle Relaxers Like BOTOX® Are Growing in Popularity
Each year, medical practices around the United States contribute data to a massive study that examines the most popular plastic surgery and minimally invasive treatments performed around the country over a 12-month span. The 2023 numbers recently came in, and the top spot for minimally invasive options went to wrinkle relaxers, such as BOTOX®. New Jersey’s …
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Embrace a More Youthful Appearance with BOTOX®
Botox in New Jersey has increasingly become a trusted, tried-and-true solution for those looking to achieve a more youthful look while staving off the signs of aging. In a world where youth and vitality are esteemed, BOTOX® has taken center stage as the non-surgical path to maintaining that fresh and invigorated look. BOTOX®—or botulinum toxin type A—is …
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Facial Fillers or BOTOX®: Which Option Is Better for Me?
Is it better to get BOTOX® or fillers? At out New Jersey-based office, we often hear this question from patients who are considering injectable treatments for the first time. The answer is simple: It depends! If you’re new to treatments like BOTOX® and fillers, you may not be fully aware of the differences between the two. In …
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Is There a Way to Soften Frown Lines?
Frown lines—also known as glabellar lines, worry lines, or “elevens”—are vertical wrinkles that form between the eyebrows. People sometimes feel like these lines make them look angry or serious even when they don’t feel that way. Our faces change as we age, and wrinkles often develop in the areas where muscles frequently move, such as …
What Are the Benefits of Combining Injectable Treatments?
While you might notice only minor changes to your skin in your 20s—such as the first appearance of expression wrinkles—you can expect more dramatic changes once you reach your 30s and 40s. Collagen and elastin levels drop, skin cell turnover slows down, and the skin can’t recover from inflammation as easily as it once did. …
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5 Benefits of Sunlight for Your Body and Mind
Although sunny weather isn’t always ideal for certain types of procedures, injectables like BOTOX® and other wrinkle-relaxing injections from our NJ-based practice aren’t affected by sun exposure and patients don’t need to give their skin any special attention—beyond the usual. Want more good news? It’s true that excessive exposure to UV radiation can age the skin and …
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How to Look 10 Years Younger Without Surgery
Who wouldn’t mind looking slightly younger and more fresh-faced? Wrinkles, sunspots, and sagging skin are some of the most obvious signs that give away your age—or even make you appear to be older than you actually are. Despite having a great skin care routine, it can be difficult to completely prevent any of these signs …
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Why Do We Get Crow’s Feet?
Crow’s feet are those small lines that branch out from the corners of your eyes, visible especially when you squint or make similar facial expressions. The fine lines are usually most noticeable when you’re smiling or laughing. These wrinkles aren’t all bad—in fact, some researchers believe that they make faces more attractive by adding genuine …
Three Things to Know About Selfies
As any plastic surgeon in Westfield, New Jersey, or throughout the country can attest, many patients these days have different motivations for having cosmetic procedures than they would have had decades ago. They’re also younger. Due to the selfie phenomenon, people in their 20s and 30s are studying pictures of themselves more, finding more little …
Are Dermal Fillers Permanent?
As people age, they naturally begin to develop lines and lose fullness and shape to their face. Over the years, many options have developed to help slow the aging process and restore a person’s youth for a more defined, smoother, and youthful appearance. If you have been considering your options and wish to feel young …