Month: May 2014
Liposuction: Post-Operative Nursing Care At Burnett Plastic Surgery
Liposuction, as I described in my last blog is the removal of mostly fat and fluids from the body using a suction cannula (long flexible straw like tube). In the immediate post operative period, Dr. Burnett’s main concerns are the potential development of Deep Vein Thromboses (DVTS), Seromas at the sites of the liposuction cannulas …
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Vitamin C Skin Care – Is It All That Hype?
If you are someone who cares about the integrity of your skin and strives for a more youthful, glowing and even skin tone, Vitamin C serum is for you. To achieve that healthy skin texture this product will help you to get the results that you are looking for. But why vitamin C and what …
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The New Age Of Anti-Aging
Sculptra is the “new age of anti-age”. Unlike other cosmetic injectables, this procedure actually replaces collagen which naturally diminishes with time. Here is an overview of this exciting product. It is often referred to as the liquid facelift. What is Sculptra? Sculptra, or poly-L-lactic acid, PLLA, is injected into facial areas where fat has been …