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A rhinoplasty in NJ at Burnett Plastic Surgery represents a relatively straightforward solution if you are concerned that the shape and size of your nose are not in balance with the rest of your face. Since a lack of proportion can cause you to be uncomfortable with your overall facial appearance, reshaping or resizing your nose can improve the way your face looks.

Rhinoplasty Before and After
*Individual results may vary.

Rhinoplasty is a very customizable procedure, since it may involve adjusting the width, length, or angles of various features made up of skin, cartilage, and bone. Plastic Surgeon Dr. Carlos Burnett's goal is not merely to make a nose smaller, but to create a nose that fits with the rest of the face without "standing out" or drawing particular attention to itself. Options available at Burnett Plastic Surgery include "ethnic rhinoplasty," which takes specific facial characteristics into account to preserve a patient’s visual sense of heritage and identity.

Burnett Plastic Surgery

To find out more about a rhinoplasty in NJ, don't hesitate to contact Westfield's Burnett Plastic Surgery. Call (908) 233-0200 or send a message online.

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Given the range of aesthetic concerns that vary from patient to patient, as well as rhinoplasty's versatility, there is a lot that the surgery can accomplish. Most commonly, nose surgery is performed to address an upturned, bulbous, large, or drooping nasal tip; upturned, wide, or large nostrils; depressions or visible humps on the bridge; too much width at the base; an overall too-large appearance; nasal deviation; and asymmetry.

Many patients have a specific cosmetic concern they would like addressed with rhinoplasty—such as an overly wide nose—but are reluctant to lose what are often seen as common ethnic characteristics that help to shape their self-image and identity. Additionally, male patients often have different goals than female patients. The type of rhinoplasty surgery performed on women is usually aimed at making the nose appear smaller and daintier. Men, on the other hand, often wish to preserve a straighter and wider nose bridge for a stronger profile.

Dr. Burnett specializes in rhinoplasty, and he and the rest of our surgical team have performed hundreds of nose surgery procedures, combining cutting-edge technology with an artistic eye for beauty. We are able to customize these procedures to your unique face and surgical goals, preserving distinct ethnic and genetic characteristics while creating a more balanced overall appearance. We work tirelessly to help you attain your intended results and increase your confidence with a natural-looking improvement.

If you are not pleased with the shape or size of your nose and feel that it does not harmonize with the rest of your facial appearance, we can discuss rhinoplasty with you in depth. Your desired procedure may involve increasing or decreasing the size of the tip of your nose, reshaping the tip, or removing or adding volume.

It is important to remember that our goal is not to achieve "perfection," but to create a balance between your nose and other features. A rhinoplasty can have the added benefit of boosting self-esteem, even if that was not the intention behind choosing the procedure. Helping patients feel more confident and beautiful through rhinoplasty is one of the things Dr. Burnett does best.

Meet Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Carlos Burnett

Founder and Leader of Burnett Plastic Surgery in New Jersey

Dr. Carlos Burnett is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience serving Westfield, New Jersey.

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery American Society of Plastic Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery
Dr. Carlos Burnett

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In the past, traditional proportions and ratios used for nose surgery techniques were largely defined by westernized and Eurocentric standards of beauty. It's important that surgeons performing cosmetic nose surgery don't overlook the differences in facial and nasal anatomy among patients of diverse ethnic backgrounds—and even among individuals from the same racial groups.

An ethnic rhinoplasty is the term for cosmetic nose surgery performed on patients of non- Caucasian heritage who want to preserve their ethnic identity and unique physical features and characteristics while creating an aesthetic result that improves the balance, harmony, and symmetry of their facial structure. Dr. Burnett's goal, therefore, is to improve the nose without creating an overdone look or taking a one-size-fits-all approach.

Rhinoplasty Before and After
*Individual results may vary.

This strategy requires open and extensive communication between the patient and the surgeon. Each person has a different idea of what is important when it comes to choosing which features to preserve and which to change via rhinoplasty. An in-depth consultation and continual check-ins to ensure that Dr. Burnett and you are on the same page are crucial, so that he can be sure he understands the ultimate look you are pursuing, and you can go into the ethnic rhinoplasty surgery with the knowledge of what his specific approach will be and what sort of results you can expect. He will explain the surgery in detail, including how he will help you achieve your desired nose size, shape, and angles, whether that involves repositioning or reshaping tissue.

If you are interested in an ethnic rhinoplasty to give your face new proportions while preserving your unique facial characteristics, contact Dr. Burnett to discuss the possibilities and schedule a consultation.


The first thing patients will need to do is consult with Dr. Burnett, who will assess their overall facial structure, evaluate their medical history, perform tests, and take photographs of their nose at different angles for reference. He will discuss individualized goals for cosmetic surgery, while determining what is realistically possible.

Since rhinoplasty is a significant surgical procedure, we recommend that patients think ahead by planning and making any necessary lifestyle changes at least a few weeks in advance of their appointment. The prep work necessary for a rhinoplasty varies on a case-by-case basis.

As part of the preparation process, you may be asked to stop taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other medications that can increase the chance of bleeding. It's also recommended that rhinoplasty patients avoid smoking in the weeks leading up to the big day. The nicotine in cigarette smoke interferes with the healing process by preventing the proper circulation of blood and oxygen.


A rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure (meaning patients can return home on the same day as their surgery), which requires that a patient undergo local or general anesthesia, depending on preference and a professional medical analysis.

There are generally two approaches to rhinoplasty: closed and open. Dr. Burnett uses only the open technique, which gives him full visual access to the nose's internal structures and allows for precision and accuracy.

Extensive planning and preparation precede every surgery, and Dr. Burnett will take various aspects into consideration, including your face shape, cheeks, jawline, and condition of your skin.

When it comes time for the rhinoplasty surgery, Dr. Burnett will make incisions inside your nostrils or on the skin that separates your nostrils, known as the columella. He will then separate the soft tissue and reshape the bone and cartilage to achieve the intended result.

As noted above, the rhinoplasty incisions are placed internally or in a difficult-to-see area to begin with, but Dr. Burnett will still work to close the nose in such a way as to minimize scarring. There will be swelling and bruising in the days following the surgery, but this will gradually resolve on its own and reveal the new shape and look of the nose.

See what sets an open rhinoplasty apart at Westfield, NJ's Burnett Plastic Surgery.
An open rhinoplasty from Westfield, NJ's Dr. Carlos Burnett allows him to "peel back" tissue for ample access to shape the internal structures necessary for creating a proportioned nose. A key feature of this technique is an irregular incision positioned on the columella. This minimizes visibility of any line once the external sutures are gone and the incision heals.


You will receive instructions on how best to care for your nose in the days, weeks, and months following rhinoplasty. Patients may be scheduled for a follow-up appointment, and prescribed pain medications or antibiotics. Note that due to the healing process, it can take up to a year for the tissues to fully "settle."

Driving is not recommended in the hours after waking up from a rhinoplasty. Patients who have their surgery at an outpatient facility may wish to arrange to have a friend or partner drop them off at home, or even stay with them overnight.

Dr. Burnett takes a number of steps to encourage post-surgical healing while maintaining the structure of the nose. One aspect of this is the use of metal or plastic splints to keep the nose stable and help it settle into its new shape. These need to be left in for at least a week after the surgery.

Your nose is likely to be covered in bandages and dressings. In order to minimize bleeding and swelling, the inside of the nose may be filled with packing, which is quickly removed after just a few days.

Rhinoplasty patients can expect some level of swelling, bleeding, and drainage in their early stages of healing. You'll need lots of rest and sleep during this time. Throughout the healing process, you'll want to keep your head elevated above your chest to keep swelling down and reduce bleeding.

For at least a month after rhinoplasty, recipients should take a break from strenuous physical activity and be careful not to place any pressure on the nose. It is critically important to avoid any activities that might result in a strike or blow to the nose, as any physical trauma can disrupt the healing process and the results of the surgery.


Nose surgery is not the only procedure available for altering facial proportions. Chin augmentation is an option for people who want to bring more definition and projection to the lowest part of the face.

Eyelid surgery known as blepharoplasty can tighten lax skin and remove the small pockets of fat that contribute to a constant look of exhaustion.

For nonsurgical solutions, Burnett Plastic Surgery offers dermal fillers to address collagen loss and more on the face (including lip injections to add volume there), BOTOX® to relax muscles that cause lines and wrinkles to reduce double-chin fat with a series of injections.

Any treatment or procedure that alters the shape or contours of the face can impact how the nose looks. Dr. Burnett and the Burnett Plastic Surgery team take all of this into account, starting with each consultation, whether for a rhinoplasty or something else.

Burnett Plastic Surgery

Contact Westfield's Burnett Plastic Surgery today to discuss a rhinoplasty in NJ. Call (908) 233-0200 or send a message online.