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What Are the Best Ways to Plan for a Tummy Tuck?

Curious about how to plan for a tummy tuck? Our NJ-based team at Burnett Plastic Surgery knows that patients will be looking forward to seeing the results from this procedure and want to ensure that it goes as smoothly as possible. Careful planning is important, and the better prepared you are, the happier you’re likely to be with your results. Proper preparations will also help to reduce stress.

Many people struggle with excess abdominal fat and loose skin, which can be difficult to address through diet and exercise alone. In such cases, a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, can provide a viable solution. However, before undergoing this transformative procedure, proper planning is crucial. Planning not only ensures optimal results, but also helps you make informed decisions.

Here’s a basic guide to how you can plan ahead to ensure a successful tummy tuck.

Get Ready Months in Advance

Although not everyone needs this much time, giving yourself six months to prepare for the surgery may be ideal. This will give you enough time to research, plan, and maintain your ideal body weight while also putting together a plan for recovery.

Do Your Own Research

Before committing to a tummy tuck, thorough research is essential. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the procedure, including its benefits, risks, and potential outcomes. Utilize reputable sources such as medical websites, forums, and articles to gather reliable information. It is also beneficial to seek recommendations and read reviews. Above all, consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can answer your questions thoroughly and accurately.

Take Exercise and Diet Seriously

Eat well, drink enough water, and stay active months ahead of your surgery. Limit alcohol consumption and start the process of quitting if you’re a smoker. Also, don’t smoke any marijuana. Being in good health will help you to heal at a faster rate and fight off infections more easily. Find ways to manage stress because your health and immune response are negatively affected by chronic stress.

Stock Up on Supplies

When you are weeks away from the day of your surgery, this will be the perfect time to assemble all the supplies you will need for recovery. Some of the most useful supplies you can have are extra pillows, gauze pads, comfortable clothing that’s easy to remove, ice packs, over-the-counter medication, and compression clothing.

Ready for a flatter, tighter abdominal area? For more details about how to plan for a tummy tuck, contact our NJ-based Burnett Plastic Surgery team. Call us at 908.233.0200 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation if you’re ready to get started.

Carlos Burnett