How Should You Adjust Your Skin Routine for Spring?
The climate in the area you live in can have a significant impact on the skin all over your body. Everything from temperature to humidity, wind, and sun exposure can all influence skin health. Your skin likes consistent, mild weather with average temperatures best, which is why any dramatic changes to the ambient temperature and humidity can be jarring for your complexion. For instance, the combination of increasing heat and humidity during springtime causes us to sweat more. This sweat can increase the risk of acne breakouts when it mixes with dirt and oil to clog the pores. We need to use different types of products depending on what the weather is like outside at different times of the year. For patients who need skincare advice, our New Jersey-based Burnett Plastic Surgery team is available to answer questions about how seasonal changes affect our skin.
If you want to avoid irritation and breakouts—as well as flare-ups of existing skin conditions that frequently occur when warmer weather finally arrives—check out these simple tips for transitioning your skin routine from winter to spring:
Use Lightweight Options
During the winter, it’s likely that you were using heavier creams, but now it’s time to swap them for lighter moisturizers. Gel creams will typically be all you need to keep your skin hydrated. You may also want to use salicylic acid cleansers that help to remove gunk from pores. Switch to non-comedogenic products that won’t clog pores.
Boost Sun Protection
Even though spring light and heat are not as intense as summer, we tend to spend more time outdoors on sunnier days, so it’s crucial to add a layer of SPF to your face and other sun-exposed areas every time you go outside. If you weren’t already applying sunscreen in the winter, start as soon as possible.
Spring Clean
You can give your closets and makeup bags a spring cleaning by dumping any old or expired products into the trash. Deep clean your sponges and brushes as well to get rid of any bacteria buildup. Your pores—and skin overall—will thank you!
To get more skincare advice on products and treatments, contact the Burnett Plastic Surgery team. Call us at (908) 233-0200 or send a message online to request an appointment if you would like to learn more about our skincare products and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.