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What Are the Benefits of Liposuction?

Liposuction is one of the most frequently requested surgical procedures performed by plastic surgeons across the country and has maintained its popularity for decades. While most people are vaguely aware of what it entails, many tend to simply think of it as a fat removal procedure. In fact, there are many misconceptions about liposuction and, despite its immense popularity, it is also very misunderstood.

Below are some of the many benefits liposuction can provide for ideal candidates:

It will effectively contour and enhance the shape of a patient’s body.

It could reduce or potentially remove lipomas. Lipomas are benign fatty tumors that can appear in certain areas of the body.

Women are not the only individuals who can benefit from this procedure. Men who suffer from gynecomastia, which is the development of excessive fatty breast tissue, can also benefit from it.

It can be used to help treat lipodystrophy syndrome, which is a condition that creates a fat metabolism disturbance, leading to the excessive storage of fat in some areas.

The results of liposuction can also be long-lasting if a patient’s weight does not substantially increase after the procedure.

Liposuction can be very beneficial for patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery and now have abnormalities, such as excess skin, by improving the appearance of the body and correcting the negative effects of dramatic weight loss.

It can treat excessive sweating in the armpits and reduce chafing in the thighs.

Aside from the presence of initial swelling, the effects of liposuction are generally immediate.

Having this procedure performed tends to create better habits in patients, including a healthier diet and increased physical activity to ensure the results of the procedure are maintained.

Liposuction is not a substitute for healthier living, but it can effectively improve any severe imbalances or abnormalities in a patient’s body, helping them feel good.

Of course, every surgical procedure comes with some risks, so make sure you schedule an appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you are an ideal candidate who can reap many of its benefits.

Liposuction Procedures in Westfield

At Burnett Plastic Surgery, our Westfield plastic surgery team is dedicated to helping patients achieve the body they have always wanted, so they can feel even more confident and happy with their appearance. Our physical appearance plays a major role in how we perceive ourselves, so we will help you take the necessary steps to achieve your best self.

Get started today by contacting us at (908) 524-0063 to schedule your consultation with our skilled, board-certified plastic surgeon.

Carlos Burnett