The Male Tummy Tuck
In today’s society, physique and the appearance of youth are immensely valued. This can be particularly challenging for the individual in a highly competitive field. Remaining relevant today means more than maintaining your resume; it also means taking care of your physical appearance. If your appearance is in conflict with your self-image, find out what is possible in the office of your plastic surgeon. Among the top procedures male patients frequently pursue is abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck.
A misconception when it comes to cosmetic surgery is that it is generally for women. However, the reality is that a vast number of men are opting for these procedures as well, seeking to enhance their features and shape by investing in a wide range of cosmetic surgeries or treatments. While female patients often request tummy tucks after enduring a pregnancy to address the issue of stretched skin, male patients tend to have this procedure done after losing a significant amount of weight.
It is important to have a realistic idea of what a tummy tuck can provide. Although it will not give you the rock-hard, six-pack abs you see in fitness magazines, it can tighten and tone a flabby midsection.
The Ideal Male Candidate
If you are considering an abdominoplasty to improve the appearance of a flabby abdomen, you should consult with a plastic surgeon who is experienced in performing this procedure. During this consultation, your abdomen will be examined, analyzing the extent of fat and loose skin that is present on your midsection. During this time, your plastic surgeon might also determine if you could benefit from having liposuction performed as well.
Some men are not candidates for this procedure. For example, those who have large deposits of intra-abdominal fat that is located beneath the abdominal muscles and around the intestines cannot have this corrected by a tummy tuck or liposuction. It is possible that diet, exercise, or weight loss surgery could address this issue, however.
Westfield Abdominoplasty for Men
The technique used to achieve the best results will be tailored to individual body frame and the desired physical appearance of the patient. In a thorough consultation visit, Dr. Burnett can determine the best procedure for you.
- Mini tummy tuck. When the area of concern is localized between the hips and the navel, a mini tummy tuck may be appropriate. This procedure is intended to tighten loose skin. It does not address muscle tone.
- Standard tummy tuck. This procedure involves making a horizontal incision just above the pubic area. Lingering fat will be removed to create a smooth result. Abdominal muscles that have become saggy are stitched into a tighter position. Finally, excess skin is removed and remaining tissue is tightened.
- Extended tummy tuck. An extended tummy tuck addresses the abdomen as well as the flanks. If necessary, the procedure can begin with liposuction to remove excess fat from these areas. Like the standard tummy tuck, this procedure will tighten skin as well as underlying abdominal muscles. Additionally, the navel will be repositioned as needed to create the most natural appearance.
Risks and Recovery
Given the anatomical differences between men and women, there can be some minor differences in recovery for men. Men have thicker skin, which means they are at a higher risk for bleeding during and after the tummy tuck procedure. Men also have a higher risk of developing hematoma than women do. That said, choosing a skilled Board Certified surgeon will help ensure your experience goes smoothly and produces the results you desire.
Call Today to Schedule a Consultation
Everyone, men and women alike, want a tight, flat stomach. Unfortunately, this is not something you can always acquire through diet, exercise, or numerous crunches. For some, cosmetic surgery is the best answer to a flabby midsection. At Burnett Plastic Surgery, our Board Certified New Jersey plastic surgeon has helped countless patients improve their waistline and give them the confidence boost they need.
We offer various types of male abdominoplasty, including a mini tummy tuck, standard tummy tuck, and extended tummy tuck. To know which option is right for you and your aesthetic goals, schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Burnett to get started.
Call our office today at (908) 524-0063 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. We will help you achieve the appearance you have always wanted!