Can I Breastfeed with Breast Implants?
Breastfeeding is growing in popularity among parents, and it’s easy to see why. Breastfeeding allows you to form a closer bond with your baby and has a number of health benefits for you and your child. However, breast implants can interfere with breastfeeding. Here’s what you should know about breastfeeding with implants.
Can I Breastfeed After I Have Implants?
Your ability to breastfeed with implants depends on a number of factors. Breast implants use either saline or silicone as a filler. Depending on the type of implant you have, your doctor may recommend against breastfeeding due to worries about the silicone contaminating your breast milk. Speak with your baby’s pediatrician about your concerns, and discuss whether breastfeeding is the right choice for you.
Breast augmentation surgery can also interfere with your ability to produce milk and decrease your nipple sensitivity. Without enough sensation in your nipples, your body may not fully respond to the signal to “let down,” or release milk from your glands to the milk ducts for feeding. It is also possible that implants can damage milk ducts and cause a loss of milk production or block the flow of milk for your baby. Implants can also cause pain and swelling during breastfeeding.
How Does Breast Implant Surgery Affect Breastfeeding?
Depending on your procedure, you may have difficulty breastfeeding. The location of your incision may cause nerve damage, especially around the nipple. The safest incisions are those that are made in the armpit, under the breast, or in the belly button. These have less chance of damaging mammary glands, milk ducts, and nerves.
The location of your implants also can have an effect on your ability to breastfeed. If the implant is placed between your breast tissue and chest muscle, there is a higher risk of damage and contamination of breastmilk. Implants may also be placed under the chest muscle to reduce the chances of damage and contamination.
How Do I Know My Breast Implants Aren’t Interfering with Breastfeeding?
If you are concerned that your baby isn’t getting enough milk during feedings, you should discuss your concerns with their physician. They can help you closely track your baby’s growth and help you understand the signs of underfeeding. They can also recommend other methods, such as using a breast pump to increase your milk production and ensure that your child has access to adequate amounts of milk.
At Burnett Plastic Surgery, we understand that you may have concerns about your decision to seek breast augmentation while you are planning your family. Let our Westfield plastic surgeon advise you of your options for your best results. We are dedicated to helping you realize your vision for a more beautiful you.
Schedule a consultation today to learn more! Contact our offices by calling (908) 524-0063.