State Of The Art Consultation
We are excited to have a customized, state-of-the art approach to your plastic surgery consultation. Touch MD is a revolutionary system which allows you to learn more about your procedure or treatment even before you come in for your visit. This technology will help you to become familiar with the Dr, staff, and our facility. You can say goodbye to the uneasy feeling of not knowing what to expect by reviewing the topics you are interested in and prepare questions you may have for your upcoming appointment.
You can register before the consultation and when you come see us, we will customize your file on Touch MD with photographs, animations and information about the procedure. After your visit and in the privacy of your own home, you can review the same information we shared during the consultation.
Touch MD is a resource we are proud to offer our patients because we feel it really helps you to become more well informed. Dr. Burnett will provide you with the advice and visual information during your consultation. You can then log-in at home and share your experience with your loved ones, review the consultation, watch videos, gather information, review pre/post operative instructions and much more.
Call today for a consultation and we will give you the doctor code to sign up!