908.233.0200 | Westfield, NJ | BOOK ONLINE

Brazilian Butt Lift #13

Surgeon : Dr. Carlos Burnett


Age 36
Fat Volume per buttock 1300 cc
BMI 28.2
Height 5' 7"
Weight 180

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 36 year old woman from Philadelphia, PA had been "thinking about a BBL for awhile." She has never been under general anesthesia. She says that she "has no hips" and wants an hourglass figure, a realistic appearance, and no abdominal etching. She prefers slope style buttock with hips.  She claims that she has been trying to gain weight for a thicker look/aesthetic but has not been able to increase her weight.  I performed a Brazilian Butt Lift to achiive her goals and she is exetremely happy with her results.

*Individual patient results may vary

Burnett Plastic Surgery

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