908.233.0200 | Westfield, NJ | BOOK ONLINE

Beach Body BBL

Surgeon : Dr. Carlos Burnett


Age 49
Fat Volume per buttock 775 cc
BMI 22.3
Height 5' 6"
Weight 138 lbs
Post-Op Period 3 months

Related Procedures

Brazilian Butt Lift , Liposuction


This 49 year old Eizabeth, New Jersey resident was uncomfortable with the appearance of her buttocks and claimed that her buttocks sags. She sought contour enhancement  via a Beach Body BBL in Westfield, NJ by Dr. Carlos Burnett (Burnett Plastic Surgery) and was overjoyed with her early results. She was even more pleased when we told her that her waist would continue to shrink for up to 6-9 months.  She expects to look sleek this Summer.

*Individual patient results may vary

Burnett Plastic Surgery

Call our Westfield plastic surgeon today at (908) 233-0200 or request your consultation to learn more about the many services we offer.